AI Assistants

Machines can recognize, comprehend, and respond appropriately to spoken or written human language thanks to natural language processing (NLP).

Do AI personal assistants comprehend every word we say, regardless of our accents?

This information was taken from Module 4, Lesson 1 of the IBM/ISTE course on AI Foundations.

How do AI personal assistants process our inputs? 

What processes do AI assistants use to process our input? 

This information was taken from Module 4, Lesson 1 of the IBM/ISTE course on AI Foundations.

Applications that show human interaction with AI Technology

Include text that expresses an opinion, emotion, or mood, whether it was written by you or someone else. Check out the program's ability to classify the text.

This website will use your webcam to analyze your facial expressions, so make sure you have an adult's permission before using it. Pick a video to watch, then check the program's prediction of your emotional involvement during the video.

Enter text into the box and start typing. Maybe you are writing a friend or family member an email. You might want to start a story. Test the program's comprehension of your writing by having it suggest or foretell your next words.

Let's talk about Netflix for a moment and examine its recommender system. As you watch, consider whether your preferences are influencing Netflix's suggestions or whether Netflix is influencing your preferences.

Artificial Intelligence and the 7 Senses

Machine perception, or the ability of a machine to sense what is happening in the environment, is one of the most important developments in AI. Numerous AI systems, including those that use natural interactions and computer vision, have been made possible thanks to machine perception.